Usage: ci-plumber azure [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Tools to manage deploying to AzureOptions: --help Show this message and exit.Commands: create-db Create a database in Azure create-registry Create a new Azure Container Registry deploy Creates an azure web app list-subscriptions List Azure subscriptions. login Log in to Azure using Azure CLI. set-default-subscription Set default subscription.
Creating a Database
Usage: ci-plumber azure create-db [OPTIONS] Create a database in AzureOptions: --name TEXT Enter a unique name that identifies your Azure Database for MariaDB server. The server name can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the hyphen (-) character. It must contain between 3 and 63 characters. [default: my- database-238878051] --resource-group TEXT The name of the resource group to use. [default: myResourceGroup] --sku [B_Gen5_1|GP_Gen5_32|MO_Gen5_2] Database SKU [default: B_Gen5_1] --backup-retention INTEGER Database backup retention in days. [default: 7] --geo-redundant [Disabled|Enabled] Whether geo-redundant backups should be enabled for this server. [default: Disabled] --location [eastus|eastus2|southcentralus|westus2|westus3|australiaeast|southeastasia|northeurope|swedencentral|uksouth|westeurope|centralus|northcentralus|westus|southafricanorth|centralindia|eastasia|japaneast|jioindiawest|koreacentral|canadacentral|francecentral|germanywestcentral|norwayeast|switzerlandnorth|uaenorth|brazilsouth|centralusstage|eastusstage|eastus2stage|northcentralusstage|southcentralusstage|westusstage|westus2stage|asia|asiapacific|australia|brazil|canada|europe|india|japan|uk|unitedstates|eastasiastage|southeastasiastage|centraluseuap|eastus2euap|westcentralus|southafricawest|australiacentral|australiacentral2|australiasoutheast|japanwest|jioindiacentral|koreasouth|southindia|westindia|canadaeast|francesouth|germanynorth|norwaywest|swedensouth|switzerlandwest|ukwest|uaecentral|brazilsoutheast|qatarcentral] The Azure location for the server. [default: uksouth] --ssl [Disabled|Enabled] Whether SSL should be enabled for this server. [default: Enabled] --storage INTEGER The storage capacity of the server (the unit is megabytes). Valid storage sizes are 5,120 MB (minimum) with increases in 1,024-MB increments. [default: 51200] --version TEXT The version of MariaDB to use. [default: 10.2] --admin-username TEXT The user name for the administrator login. The admin-user parameter can't be azure_superuser, admin, administrator, root, guest, or public. [default: myadmin] --admin-password TEXT The password of the administrator user. Your password must contain between 8 and 128 characters. It must contain characters from three of the following categories: English uppercase letters, English lowercase letters, numbers, and non-alphanumeric characters. [required] --help
Creating a Registry
Usage: ci-plumber azure create-registry [OPTIONS] Create a new Azure Container RegistryOptions: --registry-name TEXT The name of the registry [default: registry-195968669] --resource-group-name TEXT The name of the resource group to use. [default: myResourceGroup] --location [eastus|eastus2|southcentralus|westus2|westus3|australiaeast|southeastasia|northeurope|swedencentral|uksouth|westeurope|centralus|northcentralus|westus|southafricanorth|centralindia|eastasia|japaneast|jioindiawest|koreacentral|canadacentral|francecentral|germanywestcentral|norwayeast|switzerlandnorth|uaenorth|brazilsouth|centralusstage|eastusstage|eastus2stage|northcentralusstage|southcentralusstage|westusstage|westus2stage|asia|asiapacific|australia|brazil|canada|europe|india|japan|uk|unitedstates|eastasiastage|southeastasiastage|centraluseuap|eastus2euap|westcentralus|southafricawest|australiacentral|australiacentral2|australiasoutheast|japanwest|jioindiacentral|koreasouth|southindia|westindia|canadaeast|francesouth|germanynorth|norwaywest|swedensouth|switzerlandwest|ukwest|uaecentral|brazilsoutheast|qatarcentral] The name of the location to create the registry in. [default: uksouth] --sku [Basic|Standard|Premium] The SKU of the registry. [default: Basic] -v, --verbose Verbose output. [default: False] --help Show this message and exit.
Deploying a Web App
Usage: ci-plumber azure deploy [OPTIONS] Creates an azure web appOptions: --service-plan TEXT Service plan name [default: myServicePlan] --app-name TEXT Application name [default: myApp-105028613] --resource-group TEXT The name of the resource group to use. [default: myResourceGroup] --os-type TEXT OS type [default: linux] --image TEXT The name of the image to use. [required] --login-server TEXT The name of the login server to use. [required] --registry-name TEXT The name of the registry to use. [required] -v, --verbose Verbose output. [default: False] --help Show this message and exit.
Listing Subscriptions
Usage: ci-plumber azure list-subscriptions [OPTIONS] List Azure subscriptions.Options: --help Show this message and exit. ```### Changing Active Subscription```consoleUsage: ci-plumber azure set-default-subscription [OPTIONS] Set default subscription.Options: --subscription-id TEXT The subscription ID to set as default. [required] --help Show this message and exit.
Logging in to Azure
Usage: ci-plumber azure login [OPTIONS] Log in to Azure using Azure CLI.Options: --help Show this message and exit.