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Markdown reference

Standard stuff

Test title

Standard markdown stuff

for i in range (1,100):
    print("Syntax highlighting")
    print("George was here")

Notes etc.


This is a note


This is a bug


These work for:

  • Note
  • Abstract
  • Info
  • Tip
  • Success
  • Question
  • Warning
  • Failure
  • Danger
  • Bug
  • Example
  • Quote

Clicky boi:

What is the answer to life the universe and everything?



f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} x^2 & : x < 0\\ x^3 & : x \ge 0 \end{array} \right.

Other stuff

  • Emojis 😄
  • Inline highlighting for print("code")
  • Auto adding of
  • Highlighting of important stuff
  • Useful arrows and stuff → ±
  • Tasks:
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
    • Nulla lobortis egestas semper
    • Curabitur elit nibh, euismod et ullamcorper at, iaculis feugiat est
    • Vestibulum convallis sit amet nisi a tincidunt
      • In hac habitasse platea dictumst
      • In scelerisque nibh non dolor mollis congue sed et metus
      • Sed egestas felis quis elit dapibus, ac aliquet turpis mattis
      • Praesent sed risus massa
    • Aenean pretium efficitur erat, donec pharetra, ligula non scelerisque
    • Nulla vel eros venenatis, imperdiet enim id, faucibus nisi


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