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  • Up to three slots of content per week
  • 25% Coursework Announced Next Week (2 courseworks ???)
  • 50% exam
  • 20 lectures


  • Intro (2 lectures)
  • Network types (2 lectures)
  • Standards (8 lectures)
  • Applications (4 lectures)
  • Security (3 lectures)
  • Network Modeling (1 Lecture)


Actual material


Keyword Definition
Network Computers connected so they can communicate with eachother
Protocol Set of rules for communication between entities


  • You can send a request to a website using the telnet command, the website will return plaintext information
  • This is because HTTP is a plaintext protocol
  • Wireshark is used to visualise network traffic
  • What is a network?
    • Computers connected so they can communicate with eachother


  • Decomposition - One protocol per layer
  • Abstraction - Interfaces between layers
  • Reusability - re-use protocols pdntspa

    visual aids help learning (anki approved) did you just draw this? Yup. Using my laptop

OSI 7 layer stack: - **P**lease **D**o **N**ot **T**hrow **S**ausage **P**izza **A**way - Physical - Physical Connections and bit stream, cables, wireless transmission etc. - Data Link - Aggregates stream of bits into a frame - Network - Routing and flow control of packets - Transport - Splits/joins messages into packets for sending over lower layers. Also handles packet loss and out of order delivery - Session - Maintains connection between processes - Presentation - Perty format - Application - The appplication that the user sees
